In the territory of Gujarat state, accordance with the provisions of “The water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act-1974, every water polluting industry has to obtain the consent of the Board for bringing in to use on outlet for discharge of effluent in to a stream, sea or land.

“AND accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act-1981, every industry emitting gases has to obtain the consent of the Board.”

Consent to Establishment (CTE)
Validity of Registration
Classification of Industries

AND accordance with the provisions of Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and Trans boundary Movement) Rules, 2008 framed under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 every unit generating/ handling/ managing hazardous wastes and operating any facility for collection, reception, treatment, transportation, storage and disposal of hazardous wastes have to obtain the authorization of the Board.

About GPCB – CTE/NOC, C.C. & A.

  • Consent to Establishment (CTE)

    Before establishment of such industrial project, the applicant is required to obtain the Consent to Establishment (CTE).

  • Consolidated Consents and authorization (CCA)

    The Consent to Operate- Consolidated Consents and authorization (CCA) is required to obtain at the time of starting of the operation/ production at the industrial plant.

  • Validity of Registration

    CTE and CCA are being issued with validity of 5 years. Before expiry of validity of the CCA, applicant shall have to apply for the renewal of it.

  • Classification of Industries

    Based on the product profile mentioned in the application, industry is categorized as Red, Orange and Green. Further based on the investment of plant and machinery it is categorized as Large, Medium and Small scale industry. Based on these classification application of CTE is being decided at the level of the regional office or various rank of officers at the head office as case may be.

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